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Going Live Features

Sery_Bot offers several features to enhance your channel's going-live experience:

  • Stream Start Notifications: Sery_Bot will send a message in chat when your stream goes live, so you know he's there for you.
  • Chat Settings Check: Sery_Bot can check your chat settings when you go live and notify you if any special chat modes (like subscriber-only, followers-only, etc.) are enabled.
  • Dad Jokes on Stream Start: For a fun touch, Sery_Bot can tell a dad joke when your stream goes live.


Enables online notifications for your channel, sending a message when your stream goes live.

How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
ModeratorSeryCodes: !onlinenotif

I will say hi in your chat when you are live Vote Yea


Disables online notifications for your channel.

How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
ModeratorSeryCodes: !onlinenotifoff

I will no longer say hi in your chat when you are live Vote Nay


Enables dad jokes to be sent when the channel goes live.

  • Responses are only available in English
How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
ModeratorSeryCodes: !onlinedadjoke

Good choice Vote Yea


Disables dad jokes from being sent when the channel goes live.

How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
ModeratorSeryCodes: !onlinedadjokeoff

No more Vote Nay


Enables online chat settings check for your channel, notifying you if any special chat modes are enabled when you go live.

How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
ModeratorSeryCodes: !onlinecheck

I will notify you if any special chat modes are enabled when you go live Vote Yea


Disables online chat settings check for your channel.

How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
ModeratorSeryCodes: !onlinecheckoff

I will no longer notify you if any special chat modes are enabled when you go live Vote Nay