Raid Features
Just a couple of features to help you with raids.
- Raid Snooze: If you receive a raid, and an ad is scheduled within 5 minutes, it will be snoozed as long as snoozes are available. Off by default.
- Raid-out Alerts: Posts a message after your raid completes, leaving a link in chat to the streamer you raided. This is great for letting the community know where you went, in case they missed it or were not brought on the raid. Off by default.
- Raid Goodbye: Sery_Bot posts a little cute message when a raid is started at the end of your stream. On by default.
Enables automatic ad snoozing when receiving a raid.
If you receive a raid, and an ad is scheduled within 5 minutes, it will be snoozed as long as snoozes are available. Streamers get 3 snoozes per stream from Twitch, and last 5 minutes each. 1 snooze is restored around every hour, based on my testing. Let me know if you find otherwise!
How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
Disables automatic ad snoozing when receiving a raid.
How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
Sery_Bot will post a message in chat after you raid out.
This is great to have in case a viewer/lurker isn't pulled in with your raid, or if someone missed your stream and wants to see where to go!
How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
The custom message you want to use instead of the default.
The Twitch link is automatically appended to the end of the message.
How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
Clears the custom raid-out message.
How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
Sery_Bot will no longer post raid-out messages.
How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
Turns off the goodbye message for raids for your channel.
How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)