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Remove Bot Follows

Sery_Bot can check for and remove bot follows from your Twitch channel. It will remove any malicious bots known to Sery_Bot from following you.

  • Automatic: Sery_Bot will automatically remove new bot follows from your channel. This does not remove existing bot follows, only new ones. Off by default.
  • Manual: On command, Sery_Bot will scan your channel for previous bot follows and remove them. Manual removals are limited to 1 run every 6 hours.

Due to chat limitations, Sery_Bot will not post the names of the bots it removes in chat. This would quickly get unmanageable and make chat unreadable. For more granular control over bots removed from your channel, consider using CommanderRoot's Twitch Tools.


Check for bot follows on your channel. The number of bots found will be posted in chat.

This command has a 10-minute cooldown.

  • Only available in Sery_Bot's chat


Remove bot follows from your channel. This command has a 6-hour cooldown.

The follows will be queued up for removal and may take a few minutes or several hours to complete, depending on the number of follows.

  • Only available in Sery_Bot's chat