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Spam Protection

Sery_Bot can help protect your channel from various types of spam and malicious content. When enabled, it will monitor your chat for common spam messages, malicious links, and other unwanted content known to Sery_Bot.

By default, this feature is enabled.


Turns on spam checks/filters for your channel.

Protects your channel from common spam messages known to Sery_Bot. This includes follow bots, malicious links, spam, and more.

How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
ModeratorSeryCodes: !spamcheck

I will filter out known spam from your chat Vote Yea


Turns off spam checks/filters for your channel.

How to Use (in Sery_Bot's chat)
ModeratorSeryCodes: !spamcheckoff

I will no longer filter out known spam from your chat Vote Nay